Saturday, November 18, 2006


Bad vibrations

Sometimes buyers get good vibrations when they go into a house. Sometimes they get the opposite. I was working with a woman who went into a 150 year-old farmhouse in Bucks County and almost immediately said she did not feel well. She could not put her finger on just what was botheringher, but it made her feel uncomfortable, both physically and mentally.After just a very brief time inside the house, she said she had to get out, so we left. Once outside, she said she felt better. After she got back in the car, I walked over to the seller and told her that my buyer had felt very uncomfortable inside the house, as though something bad had happened there and poisoned the atmosphere inside. The woman gave me the strangest look, part anger and part surprise, almost a how-the-hell-did-she-know-that look. It was kind of a strange experience.

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